Applying to Grades 5 to 12

In grades 5-12, admission is only to fill free/vacant places.

Methods of admission:

  • in the spring, during the central admission period (normal admission procedure)
  • extraordinary admission (individual appointments during the school year)
  • additional admissions, at a date to be fixed by us, at the end of the academic year or at the end of August

Please register and fill out our online application form: Application form

During the application process - via our online platform - we request a cover letter from families whose children are invited to admission (Why is it important for you to belong to a Jewish educational institution? If you have a family connection, please indicate it.)

In the spring, during the central admission period (normal admission procedure)

  • Deadline for applications (according to the academic year schedule) Oral admission: 29 February - 1 March 2024.
  • Primary school students (8th grade) can apply for admission to high schools through the Public Education Information Office (KIFIR). Application deadline: (according to the academic year schedule) In addition to the central application form, please fill out our application form.

OM code of the school: 034905

For applications to the Language Preparatory Programme, Language and Information Technology Year 9NY, the branch code is: 1414

For application to the four-year high school, grade 9, the branch code is: 0404

Points transfer for admission to NYIT and grade 9:

  • Central Examination (written): 50% - 100 points
  • Points acquired: 25% - 50 points

Merit marks of grades 7 and 8 will be taken into account as follows:

  • The average in Hungarian literature and grammar
  • Mathematics 
  • History
  • Foreign language
  • The average of the subjects Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Physics

Oral exam: 25% - 50 points

  • In grades 11 and 12, only a fairly limited number of students can be admitted in exceptionally justified cases requiring individual assessment.

Special admission and additional admission procedures

  • Applications are made by filling out the electronic application form. Families will be notified by email if there are places available in the relevant grade.

Content of the entrance exam

In the entrance examination, we are interested in what the student knows and how we can cooperate with him/her, to what extent he/she can be developed, what his/her values are, and how this can be fitted into the values and structure of the school and the existing class community. In addition to the values of the student, the values of the family, the supportive and cooperative parent are of particular importance. The entrance examination process can be divided into two components. These are the entrance examination and the interview with parents.

The entrance exam

The entrance exam consists of a short written test in Math and Hungarian (English Plus applicants also take an English test) and an interview. The latter takes place in front of an admissions committee made up of prospective homeroom teachers and mentors.

Those writing the central written admission test will only take part in an interview.

Interview with parents (Middle School)

The interview with parents is conducted with the involvement of the lead admissions teacher and the Director of Middle School. The interview is an important part of the admission process and is communicated to the families in advance, as good cooperation with parents is key to our success and to effective cooperation between school, child and parent. It is important to clarify what the parent expects from the school and what the school can offer. In this case, too, the acceptance of the school's values and the internal dynamics of the existing classroom are to be given priority.

Elementary school students (8th graders) use the Public Education Information Office (KIFIR) to apply for admission to high schools. In this case, the pupil writes the central written admission test, the result of which is taken into account for the assessment. To fill out the application form, you will need the OM code of the institution of your choice and, within the institution, the code of the department you have chosen. Even in this case, please fill in the application form above.

Code numbers for the KIFIR system:

OM code of the school: 034905

  • For applications for the Language Preparatory Programme, Language and Information Technology Year 9NY, the code of the branch is: 1414
  • For application to the Four-year high school, 9th grade, the branch code is: 0404

Inquiries about admissions can be sent to